Funeral Plan Provider Breakdown

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Basic Funeral Plan Provider Breakdown


In this section, we would like to take a minute to breakdown funeral plan providers. We would also like to explain some of the terms used in the industry.

Let’s start with three different terms used in the industry:

1. Funeral Plan/Cover

The wording funeral plan is often referred to when talking about funeral insurance for more than one member. However, this is not always the case. The word “Funeral Plan” can be used when a person has other family members included on their policy. It’s often worded family funeral plan. It does not matter if you use the prefix cover or plan. It refers to exactly the same thing.

2. Funeral Policy

The wording funeral policy sometimes refer to the policy itself. Sometime this can include the actual policy wording. The words funeral policy can refer to the documents of funeral plan.

We would like to use the next section to break the providers down:

AVBOB Funeral Plan

With the AVBOB Funeral Plan, you know you will find insurance that you can rely on. The company has been around for almost 100 years and boasts a client base of more than 1.3 million. The AVBOB Funeral Plan will give you both a cash pay-out and funeral service. This means that you can get your tombstone, coffin and other service directly from your insurance provider. AVBOB is a well-established provider that can accommodate almost every funeral need imaginable. They pride themselves in their quality products. AVBOB is proud to present their clients with a range of free benefits. This certainly helps to make to funeral arrangement process a little easier.

Metropolitan Funeral Plan

With the Metropolitan Funeral Plan, you will get a no nonsense funeral plan. They provide great options for family, individual or employees. They provide their client with a large cash benefit. With Metropolitan, the client is in full control of all the spending’s. Because they provider their client with a cash lump sum, they can get quotes from various providers. The Metropolitan Funeral Plan has been around long enough to become a sound product. There will be no health discriminations with this plan. There will be no medicals required. Metropolitan does not expect you to undergo any blood test to be accepted into the policy.

KGA Lifestyle Funeral Plan

The KGA Lifestyle Funeral Plan is a very innovative new product. In conjunction with PrimeSure, KGA created a product that is unique. This plan was engineered to suit the busy lifestyle of the youth of South Africa. This plan will offer you living benefits. This means that you can make use of many of the benefits while you are still alive. This includes more than 200 different discounts on various products and services. This plan includes a great accidental death benefit. KGA focuses on large groups, but can accommodate the individual or family clients.

All of the providers above will make sure that the payments are made as soon as possible. With AVBOB and Metropolitan the payments will be made within 48 hours. With KGA, most payments are made within 6 hours. With all the providers, your payment will be made available quickly. There will be no blood tests or medicals on any of the providers. They all have a 6 month waiting period for natural death. This is an industry standard. This is merely in place to protect the providers from people taking out the policy at the last minute. Most providers offer additional b benefits for accidental death to make up for the standard waiting period.

At the end of the day, it does not matter who you choose. All the providers we represent provide good quality products with amazing service. It all depends on your specific needs.

Getting funeral cover today is the responsible thing to do.


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